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Flammkuchen literally translates to flame cake. In French, it goes by the name of tarte flambée. The dish originates in the French-German boarder regions of Baden and Alsace. Flammkuchen was supposedly invented by a baker. In order to test the temperature of their large wood-fired ovens, bakers would usually bake a small piece of bread. Until one fine day, one of the bakers got bored of the plain bread and decided to add some crème fraîche, onion and bacon to the mix. Flammkuchen was born or at least so the legend goes...


(1 oven tray)

250g flour

125g water

2 tbsp. olive oil

1 pinch of salt

4 large onions

200g bacon

200g crème fraîche

100g cheese

Salt & Pepper



Start by preparing the Flammkuchen dough. Combine the flour, water, olive oil and a pinch of salt. Knead the mixture with your hands for a couple of minutes until you feel confident about your dough. Powder some flour on your work surface. Use a rolling pin to shape the dough into a large rectangle about the size of your oven tray.

Put a baking paper on the oven tray before you move the dough over. Set the tray with the dough aside and pre-heat the oven to about 200 degrees. In the meanwhile, slice your onions. Keep the pieces rather large.

Heat a tiny bit of oil in a pan and fry the bacon shortly. Add onions and fry it all together for a little longer until the onions have softened.

Take a spoon. Spread the crème fraîche on the dough. Leave a centimeter space on edges, allowing a nice crust to develop once in the oven.

Now pour the fried onion bacon mix on the crème fraiche covered dough. Spread the mix with a spoon. Well, you know the drill already from the crème fraiche spreading. Crumble the cheese on the flammkuchen to build a light cover.

Shove it in the oven and play the waiting game for 15 minutes.

Cut into pieces and season with chives before serving. The Germans recommend to drink Federweißer with it. Any apple cider will do too.

Guten Appetit

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Bon Appétit

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