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Cucumber Salad

Cucumber salad is a light and fresh side dish. Best served for BBQs on hot summer days, or alternatively, it perfectly compliments any spicy main. Either way, you won't be disappointed.


(3-4 servings)

One cucumber

Quarter an onion

100g crème fraîche

Two tsp. mustard


Salt & pepper

Two tsp. olive oil

Two tsp. (white wine) vinegar

Pinch of sugar


Cut the cucumber in half and peel off parts of the skin. Carefully chop into thin slices or use a grater (if you are too lazy). Add a layer of sliced cucumber discs into a bowl and cover with salt & pepper. Repeat until all cucumber discs are in the bowl.

Chop onion into little pieces and blend it to the mix.

Let it rest for about 20min allowing the salt to soak water out of the cucumber. The slices should become glazy and tender.

Add mustard, crème fraîche and plenty of dill to the bowl. Top up with olive oil and vinegar. Give it a good stir to cover all cucumber slices in the marinade. Give it the final touch by adding a pinch of sugar.

If time allows, let it rest and cool down in the fridge for another 20min.

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1 comentário

Xavier Forns
Xavier Forns
22 de jan. de 2020

I love it

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