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Chestnut soup

Chestnut soup is a great starter for any Christmas dinner. When my friends and I get together for our annual Sinterklaas dinner, traditionally, chestnut soup is served to initiate the feast. Since Covid is challenging our tradition this year, I hope by sharing this recipe my friends will get to enjoy a well-deserved bowl of this delightful soup anyhow.


(4 servings)

800g chestnuts

200g bacon

100ml cream

100g crème fraîche

2 liters veggie stock

2 stalks celery

1 carrot

1 leek

1 onion




Salt & pepper


Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees. Take a knife and cut through the shell and skin of the chestnut. Try not to damage the flesh of the chestnut. The cut will help the chestnuts to slightly open, making it easier for you to peel afterwards.

Once all chestnut have been penetrated, place them on an oven tray. Bake in the oven for about 30min.

Let them cool down a little until they are cold enough to touch. Remove shell and skin. Gather the chestnut flesh in a bowl.

Next, cut the celery, carrot, leek and onion into medium sized pieces. Set aside.

Fry the bacon in a pot for 5 to 10 minutes until brown and crisp. Prepare a plate with kitchen towel and transfer the bacon to the plate. Let it rest and use later to garnish the chestnut soup.

Use the same pot to fry the veggies. The fat from the bacon will give your soup the extra kick you need to impress your friends. Melt a piece of butter and add celery, carrot, leek and onion. Season with salt and pepper. Fry for another 5 to 10 minutes so more flavor can be released.

Add the chestnuts and veggie stock. Let the chestnut soup cook on low flame for about half an hour. Steer occasionally.

Let it cool down. Use a hand blender to purée the ingredients in the soup until smooth.

Add cream to the chestnut soup and season with nutmeg. This will add some extra earthy flavor. Bring the chestnut soup to boil again.

They say nutmeg is an enticing aphrodisiac spice that gets the inner juices flowing so be cautious with the dosage (or not).

Season with salt and pepper again if needed. Lastly, it is ready to be served. Garnish with a spoon of crème fraîche, bacon and chives.

Winter time is soup time.

Happy holidays!

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